Daily archives: 10/07/2016

Swimming to Success

The 2425 Squadron swimming team has won the South and East Midlands Wing inter squadron swimming competition held at Nottingham University. The team has come second two years in a row and was determined to hit the […]

‘Regional Media Success for 1109 Cadet’

  Cadet Flight Sergeant Hayden Iles, 18, of 1109 (Thetford) Squadron was recently awarded the ‘Presentation Cup’ for winning the Central and East Region Cadet Media Competition 2016. The competition was open to all Squadrons […]

Local Cadets Hit the Mark

Two local RAF Air Cadets were this week celebrating after they brought home the silverware following an annual target shooting competition held at RAF Halton, in Buckinghamshire. Cadet Sergeant Annabel Parry (aged 18), and Cadet […]