About Us

Welcome to the Headquarters Central and East Region of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets

C&E Region is part of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) which is the national youth formation parented by the RAF.

Our main task is to develop and execute strategies for the 6 wings, 176 Squadrons and Detached Flights and 38 CCF(RAF) Units under our command. Our Region Officers and civilian staff are directly involved in this strategy process or support those who are.

These people together with our air cadets, and adult volunteers share the task of shaping the future of the Corps and, indirectly, our parent service, the Royal Air Force. Many of our ex-air cadets choose to pursue successful careers in the RAF or other aviation related organisations while others re-join the RAFAC as volunteers.

The aims of the Air Cadets are to

  • Promote and encourage an interest in aviation and the RAF
  • Provide training that would be useful in both Service as well as civilian life
  • Foster a spirit of adventure and develop qualities of leadership and good citizenship

To achieve this we need every member of the team to be the right person with the right know-how in the right place at the right time, so we are a highly mobile and pro-active training outfit. Our website is designed to:

  1. Give you an idea of the skills, knowledge and experience that we already possess and to gain an understanding of the training and development that is needed and available to perform well in the RAFAC. For those who are already part of C&E, it should stimulate you to consider and plan for your own future development.
  2. Help both volunteers and air cadets see what is going to happen in the future and of course what they have already achieved.
  3. Let newcomers learn more about the RAFAC. We need good quality people, so if you would like to join the premier youth organisation as a volunteer or an air cadet, please contact us and we will put you in touch with your nearest cadet unit through its Wing Headquarters.
  4. Promote communication within C&E and, in so doing, enhance our performance. There will always be room for improvements so kindly take time to explore this site and submit any comments or suggestions you may have for making our presentation or content even better.

Central & East Region comprises of the following seven Wings and TEST Area: