Our People

Cadet Warrant Officer Matthew Osbiston

Eighteen year old Matthew has been a cadet at 1360 (Stapleford & Sandiacre) Squadron for over five years during which time he has sampled most of the opportunities available through the “Cadet Experience”.

Matthew’s brother, Liam, was the squadron’s senior cadet when he joined and Matthew was determined that he too would use the Cadet Experience to improve himself and become the “best person I can” and possibly surpass his elder brother’s substantial achievements.

Determined to advance within the squadron Matthew has attended, and passed, all the development course that were open to him including gaining a coveted blue lanyard as a Qualified Aerospace Instructor.

A recent addition to his impressive Cadet Service CV is the awarding of his Silver Gliding Wings after successfully completing a gliding scholarship and flying solo. To compliment this, Matthew is currently undergoing training to gain the Air Cadet Navigation qualification.

All of that is in addition to passing all his classifications and achieving a Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Matthew is currently chasing Gold). He is also a Corps Marksman.

Learning to live with others and broadening horizons are cornerstones of the Cadet Experience and Matthew has embraced these by attending several “camps” and is shortly to embark on an International Cadet Exchange to America, a great opportunity to experience the lifestyle of cadets from around the globe whilst soaking up the American culture.

“Being an Air Cadet has certainly made me more confident and and given me the skills to mentor others and to stand in front of people having the confidence to deliver a presentation. I have also gained teamwork and leadership skills as well as improving my social skills”.

Matthew certainly can see a career in the Royal Air Force as a possibility although he is keeping his options open.