Before a cadet can undertake The Cyber Bronze training and award, they must first have completed the modules required to be awarded the Bronze iDEA Award.
The current situation and the resources being made available offer a great opportunity to gain this prerequisite qualification in preparation for qualifying to advance to the Bronze Cyber Badge.
Headquarters Air Cadets Subject Matter Experts have produced “How to Guide #6” which details some of the many resources available for home study.
The inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA) is an International programme that helps to develop and demonstrate digital, enterprise and employable skills and this iDEA Bronze Award must be completed before a cadet can undertake further Cyber Training.
The “How to Guide #6” for cadets and staff are available on the Air Cadet Website, Hanger, Resources. The Cadet Guide explains how to undertake home study for this qualification. The Staff Guide provides hints and tips on delivering online training and advice.
Gaining information and knowledge now will be of great benefit once Headquarters Air Cadets can declare “Business as Usual”.