RAF Air Cadets in the UK have enjoyed a high-tech parade night with their Canadian ‘cousins’.
Although cadets in both nations are under a COVID-19 lockdown they connected electronically for an international virtual meeting across ‘the pond’.
Cadets and volunteers of 121 (Nuneaton) Squadron linked up with their Royal Canadian Air Cadet colleagues from 121 Red Arrows Squadron.
Both squadrons were thrilled at the prospect of being able to parade together, joined by Commandant RAF Air Cadets, Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty.
During the international virtual parade, 121 Red Arrows Squadron gave a presentation about the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and everyone discussed the similarities and differences between the two organisations.
Air Commodore McCafferty said: “It was great to connect with the Canadian cadets and staff, what a great partnership to enjoy.
“This has been a fine example of people thinking outside of the box to make a parade very interesting for the cadets and it’s been yet another first for me.
“I’m passing my best wishes to all staff and cadets and I hope they stay safe and well until we can meet again”.
Following the parade, Flt Lt Paul Hincks, OC 121 (Nuneaton) Squadron said, “We were delighted to have Major Steve Harwood, Captain Crag Miller and their team from 121 Red Arrows Squadron with us on parade this evening and having Air Commodore McCafferty with us made the evening even more special.
“I was really impressed with the presentation skills of cadet WO1 Amy Miller, WO2 Meadow Funkenhauser, FSgt Ehsan Patel and Sgt Marc Whelan of 121 Red Arrows Squadron, who all gave us such interesting presentations on different aspects of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets”.
“The friendship and bond between both 121 Squadrons continues to grow and I am delighted to say that we are already planning further joint activities within the brave new world of the Virtual Parade”.