Although First Aid Training has to be conducted through face to face courses, the enforced period of “Lockdown” gives an ideal opportunity to prepare for new qualifications or requalify existing certificates.
Headquarters Air Cadets Subject Matter Experts have produced “How to Guide #5” which details some of the many resources available for home study.
The British Heart Foundation, St John Ambulance and other First Aid training providers have a great selection of on line material to download to laptop, tablet or phone to enable the gaining of knowledge ready for when face to face training can recommence,

The “How to Guide #5” for cadets and staff are available on the Air Cadet Website, Hanger, Resources. The Cadet Guide features several downloads covering the spectrum of Cadet related First Aid subjects. The Staff Guide provide hints and tips on delivering on line training and advice.
Additionally, the Region First Aid Officer is holding two Microsoft Teams training sessions, one for cadets and one for supervising staff. Details of these will be available from Squadron First Aid Officers who must also be informed of intended participation in any parts of the First Aid Training.
Gaining information and knowledge now will be of great benefit once Headquarters Air Cadets can declare; “Business as Usual”.