Air Cadet Corporal Ronit Lavi asked the cadets of Mannock Squadron, RAF Air Cadets, to do something to mark the 100th Birthday of the Super Fund Raiser, Captain Tom Moore.
They each designed a letter or number to spell out “Happy 100th Birthday” and had their photograph taken, in uniform. The photographs were then sent to the Civilian Committee Chairman, Mr Hackett, who then edited all the photos putting them together as a birthday card to send off to Captain Tom Moore.
Corporal Lavi said; “I wanted to organise the cadets to send a big Happy Birthday to Tom Moore because of his passion and motivation for raising money for the NHS has inspired not only the Air Cadets but the whole nation to raise money for the NHS charities too. Tom Moore is a true hero and will be remembered forever ‘Moore’! I would also like to say a big thank you to all NHS staff and key workers for all their hard work not only during the pandemic but throughout the past”

Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Tom Moore!!!