Governor visits Gibraltar Squadron

The Governor talks to the cadets.

His Excellency the Governor of Gibraltar, Lieutenant General Eddie Davis CB, CBE, recently paid a visit to No. 2 Overseas (Gibraltar) Squadron, Air Training Corps.

During the visit, he was given the opportunity to interact with both RAF Air Cadet staff, civilian volunteers and cadets. The Governor experienced first-hand the resources, training aids and air cadet syllabus made available to young people looking to develop their skills in leadership, adventure and flying even taking to the air on the Squadrons flight simulator.

The Governor tries the sqn simulator

The Governor praised the staff for their dedication, high standard of instruction and the cadets for their enthusiasm, hard work and encouraged them to persevere and presented the Squadron with a Governor’s Coin for excellence.

The Squadrons’ Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant Ivan Cawad said; “it was an utmost pleasure to host the Governors visit and it was a very special moment for the cadets to be able to have the opportunity to speak to and chat to his excellency at first hand during his walk round and question and answer session.”

The Squadron bid the Governor farewell and wished him well for the future thanking him for his support and visit.