Wg Cdr Matt Oram and WO Mike Webb
Making use of a Central and East Region gathering at the annual Inter Wing Athletics Championships, Group Captain Nigel Gorman, the Region’s Commandant, rewarded three long serving members of the region’s staff team by presenting them with Clasps to their Cadet Forces Medals (CFMs).
The “junior” of the trio, the Region Warrant Officer, Warrant Officer Mike Webb RAFAC, received the second clasp to his CFM marking at least 24 years of service to the Air cadets.
Wing Commander Matt Oram RAFAC who is the Officer Commanding Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Wing received his third clasp and Squadron Leader Steve Mills received a staggering fifth clasp which recognizes practically a life time of service to the Air Cadets.
The CFM is awarded to mark twelve years of valued and unblemished service to the Air Cadets and each clasp rewards a further six years. Congratulations to the three worthy recipients and heart felt thanks from the Commandant for all their hard work and time devoted to delivering the “Cadet Experience”.