Thetford Air Cadets Swim to Success!’


1109 IMG_3348On Sunday 2nd September 2017 fifteen Air Cadets from 1109 (Thetford) Squadron took part in the annual Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Swimming Gala held at Wattisham.

The cadets took part in various events from backstroke and butterfly to medley and freestyle relays, across four age categories.

1109 squadron came away with 22 medals, coming second in the Senior Boys category, second in the overall boys category and placing the Squadron second in the whole Wing. This was a fantastic team achievement and is the Squadron’s best ever finish in this competition.

Cadet Sergeant Callum Brown, who represented the squadron in the Senior Boys Category said, ‘Wing Swimming was another highly contested and represented sporting event from 1109 Squadron. The team participated to their best efforts and showed the willingness to compete and improve on results year after year, something of which the team has proudly achieved for this event’.

Cadet Corporal Tyler Howard and Cadet Chloe Banyard were also selected to represent Norfolk and Suffolk Wing at the Regional Swimming Competition on Sunday 30th September, at the same venue. Both cadets done extremely well and contributed greatly to the Wing’s overall third place finish, taking home the Senior Boys trophy.