Here’s a bio from our new DofE Officer, Squadron Leader James Noble.
James joined the 2327 (Havant) Squadron Air Cadets in 1990 as a 13-year-old, progressing through the ranks to Cadet Warrant Officer and gaining as many life experiences as possible, which he wouldn’t have done without the Air Cadets. He represented his Wing, Region (and Corps once!) at sports, flew several types of aircraft, glided and went on UK and overseas camps. As a cadet, he also achieved his Gold DofE award. This was a chapter in his life that he can proudly say he grabbed every experience and opportunity possible.
Once James “aged out”, he was keen to remain with the Air Cadets so become a Civilian Instructor before commissioning in 2000. He became OC of his childhood squadron and thoroughly enjoyed this role with several years of success as a unit across all areas of the Air Cadet syllabus. James took on several additional Wing roles including Wing Sports Officer and before finally enabling cadets to qualify in his main passion, DofE, and became the Wing DofE Officer for Hampshire & IOW Wing.
Following a move of location, James transferred into the then Hertfordshire & Buckinghamshire Wing as their Wing Duke of Edinburgh’s officer. Already performing at a good standard, supporting other units who were not involved saw the Wing awarded the Sir Roger Austin Sword (best wing in Corps for DofE) for a second time in 10 years.
Talking about his new Regional role, Squadron Leader Noble commented
“I look forward to supporting the Region with their ongoing success in the DofE arena by supporting staff development, improving cadet opportunities and sharing best practice.”
It’s great to have you as part of the Regional Team, Sqn Ldr Noble!