Slightly More Than a Stroll in the Park

Over the last bweekend of April two teams of Air Cadets from Norfolk and Suffolk Wing of the Air Training Corps were at RAF Cosford taking part in the annual two day 50 mile RAF Walking and Road Marching Association march (WARMA).

Completing this 50 mile march is one of the qualifying requirements for anyone wishing to be chosen to participate in the annual International Nijmegen Marches in the Netherlands as part of the British Military Contingent. This year saw over 120 teams and individuals attempt the WARMA route which traversed the scenic and sometimes difficult terrain of the Shropshire countryside.

King’s Lynn’s 42F Squadron had two members participating with the Norfolk and Suffolk Wing teams, Sergeant Alex Stapleton RAFAC and Cadet Flight Sergeant Adam Bocking. Both teams completed the course and their members are now eligible to be selected for the teams that will take part in the four day, 100 mile, Nijmegen Marches in Holland later this year.

At the end of the second day both teams received their WARMA medals from their team leaders. Sergeant Stapleton, (who has undertaken the march 5 times now) was Cadet Flight Sergeant Bocking’s team leader so was pleased to be able to congratulate one of his own, especially as he had now completed the march for the second time.

Photo. Ft Sgt Bocking receives his medal from Sgt Stapleton.