Cadet Sergeant Heidi Claridge carries the Baton during the parade
Air Cadets from Grantham, supported by a contingent from Nottingham, provided the “Light Blue” as the RAF 100 Baton arrived at the Lincoln International Bomber Command Memorial.
It was a proud moment for Cadet Sergeant Heidi Claridge of 47(F) (Grantham) Squadron, as she was tasked with parading the Baton to the Memorial Spire at the head of the cadet contingent who marched to the beat of the Pipes and Drums of the RAF Waddington Volunteer Pipe Band.
After a short Service, the pipes and drum played a lament during which the Battle of
Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster made passes over the memorial. Spontaneous applause from the assembled crowd broke out and there were some tear filled eyes, a very moving moment.
Heidi, who has been a cadet for four years, said; “ It has been such proud and emotional experience for me”. Cadet Ciara North, also of the Grantham Squadron said;” it felt really special to be part the RAF’s one hundred years celebration”. Ciara has been a cadet for less than a year.
After the service and moment of reflection, the Band and cadets marched back to the main reception building where two of the cadets were interviewed for local television.
The Nottingham Cadets were from 209 (West Bridgeford) Squadron.
The Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) have provided support for the RAF 100 Baton Relay at many of the events where the Baton has been in attendance and the cadets have had a particularly busy time whilst the Baton visited Lincolnshire.