Former Cadet Takes Command of Squadron

A former Grimsby RAF Air Cadet has been given command of her old Squadron following the departure of the previous commanding officer.
Flight Lieutenant Kirsty Hudson RAF VR(T) was recently appointed to take up post at 195 (Grimsby) Squadron after former commanding officer Flight Lieutenant Terance Shird RAF VR(T) received a promotion.
Flt Lt Hudson joined the Squadron as a 14 year old cadet in 2008, going on to reach the rank of Flight Sergeant before returning as an adult volunteer. Since then, Flt Lt Hudson has progressed from a Civilian Instructor to a Pilot Officer before reaching her current rank and post.
Outgoing officer Flt Lt Shird has received a promotion, taking up a post at RAF Digby in cadet training with responsibility for 30 Squadrons across the region.
Flt Lt Terance Shird said: “I will be taking up a post at Trent Wing HQ with immediate effect, and Flt Lt Hudson will be taking the reins at 195 Squadron.
“I’ve loved my time at Grimsby Squadron, and have helped train hundreds of young cadets in flying, gliding, target shooting and field craft.
“I’m very happy that Kirsty is taking up my old role. She has the passion and knowledge to take the Sqn far and continue to ensure that the young people of this area are offered some great opportunities. I would like to wish her well in her new role.”
Flt Lt Hudson said: “I wish to thank Flt Lt Shird for his immense hard work and effort in maintaining and improving the Squadron. Having worked under him as an adult volunteer and later as a junior officer, I have witnessed first-hand his passion and dedication, and I’m certain that his new role will benefit from that.
“Taking up command of a Squadron is a huge responsibility and I’m really looking forward to the challenge.
“Having been a cadet at Grimsby Squadron, I have received so many wonderful opportunities, and as commanding officer, it is my aim to continue to extend the opportunities that the RAF Air Cadets can offer to as many young people in this area as possible.”