Central & East Air Cadets are the Tops


image1 (1)Cadet Warrant Officer Katherine Hill of 2461 (Sawston) Squadron, RAF Air Cadets (RAFAC), has been adjudged the best female Air Cadet in the United Kingdom.

This supreme accolade was marked by the presentation of the new 75th Anniversary Sword to Katherine by the Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore Dawn McCaffery.

Each year squadrons are invited to nominate their best cadet, from these nominations, each of the RAFAC 34 Wings select the best to go forward for selection as the best in the six Regions.

Central and East Region, after much deliberation and thought, selected Katherine as the Regions’ nomination.

In a very tough process, Katherine successfully beat off the challenges from the other five Regions to be awarded the Sword that recognises hard work, team work, skill in all aspects of RAFAC activities as well as personal attributes.

A huge “well done” to Katherine.

Additionally, and again proving that the cadets in Central and East Region are probably amongst the best in the United Kingdom, Cadet Warrant Officer Ben Ellis of 104 (City of Cambridge) Squadron has been successful in becoming the runner up to the winner of the male Air Cadet of the Year. Another huge honour.

Congratulations to both.

Both Katherine and Ben are from Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing.