Garden Party Fun as Holbeach Air Cadets Celebrate 50 Years


Holbeach’s own Air Cadet Squadron, correctly known as 2430 (Holbeach) Squadron RAF Air Cadets, has just celebrated 50 years as an independent squadron.

There have been Air Cadets in Holbeach since 1941, but as part of the Spalding Squadron. They moved to their headquarters in Church Street in 1964 and became 2430 Squadron 50 years ago this year.

To celebrate their Golden Anniversary the squadron decided that a big event was needed and Squadron President, former Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Mr Tony Worth and his wife Jenny, offered their garden as the venue. The idea for the garden party was driven by Squadron Fund Raising Officer Milly Miles Stark.

Committee Chairman, Jeff Goodley said, “It was Milly’s idea and she was the driving force behind the whole thing, it took a lot of work from the entire committee and staff team to make it the success it was”.

Over 175 people attended the party and included current and former cadets, parents, staff and committee members. VIP guests included local councillors and community leaders, all of whom have either donated funds or benefited the squadron in other ways.

Before the hog roast was served guests witnessed a formal parade of the squadron, the dedication of a new squadron banner and the enrolment of new cadets by Squadron Padre, Methodist Lay Preacher, Keith Locke.

There were also static displays of squadron activities and history. Current cadets also demonstrated some of their training skills.

Mr and Mrs Worth were presented with a thank you gift and flowers, Tony spoke about the good work carried out by the squadron staff, other local cadet and youth organisations. He also stressed the need for more adult volunteers.

The picture shows Tony worth and the youngest cadet, Billy McCormack, cutting the birthday cake with a ceremonial sword.
Fight Lieutenant Dave Suddards, the present Officer Commanding said, “It was a great day, and the committee did a fantastic job putting everything together. Tony and Jenny’s garden was a wonderful location. I would like to thank them for their generosity”