‘Highest Rank Awarded to 1109 Cadet’


Hayden Iles of 1109 (Thetford) Squadron received his Cadet Warrant Officer promotion on Thursday, the highest rank a cadet can achieve. Since joining the squadron in 2011 he has participated in a wide range of Air Cadet activities and obtained a number of representations in sports. Some of these include drill competitions, Wing sports, Camps, achieving his Silver Duke Edinburgh and completing all academic classifications.

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For the last twelve months Hayden has taken on an additional role and supported the Squadron Adjutant, as well as assistance with Sports, Recruitment and Media. On the media front Hayden recently won the Regional Cadet Media Award for an outstanding recruitment video in the latter part of 2016. Aside from this he has assisted with the Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Junior Boys Football Team as well as helping with Girls football taster sessions.


After his promotion Hayden said, ‘I am really pleased I have managed to get this far within my cadet career, I have always tried to take advantage of the opportunities the organisation provides. The experiences and skills I have learnt along the way have all contributed towards receiving this promotion and I am eager to continue to help develop the younger cadets on the squadron.’


Officer Commanding 1109 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Samuel Chapman-Allen added, ‘CWO Iles’ promotion to the highest rank is richly deserved and very few Cadets will ever achieve this. He thoroughly deserves this promotion for his years of dedication, service and commitment to the Air Cadets and 1109 (Thetford) Squadron’.