Wing Records a Fantastic Victory!


This weekend saw South & East Midlands Wing make the journey to RAF Halton for Central & East Region’s Annual Field Day competition.

July had seen the Wing conduct it’s own Field Day competition with the successful teams then working hard to represent the 29 Squadrons in the Wing at the Regional Competition.

The day started early with coaches departing Derby and Market Harborough at 06.00hrs to make the journey down. The wing was first on for most competitions so competing started early with the Solo Drummers just after 09.00hrs.

The day progressed and saw cadets enthusiastic to perform and supporting each other throughout the day. The cadets returned confident they’d done all they could in their performances and eagerly awaiting the results.

This year also saw a continuity Drill Demonstration by our very own 126 (City of Derby) Squadron who will represent the Region at the annual competition.

As the Wing’s assembled for the final parade the atmosphere was building for those all-important results. The Wing was this year represented by 11 of it’s 29 squadrons representing the widest spread team in recent years and demonstrating the strength in depth across the Wing.

The results started to be announced and with only the Winners in each category being read out, the trophies were being split across the Wing.

Trophies and Certificates started to appear in front of our Wing and we were hopeful of repeating last year and winning thrfd-group-1e overall trophy……. and do it was announced … Winners of the Fazackerley Tray for Overall Field Day … South & East Midlands Wing.

The trophy was collected for the Wing by Cadet Flight Sergeant Davies of (1360) Squadron

Squadron Leader Andy Pass (Deputy Officer Commanding the Wing) said of the day “I would like to pass on my thanks and congratulations to all the cadets and staff that represented the Wing Today demonstrating our strength and quality …. A good day in the office!”.

The Wing’s full results are shown below:

Drill Competition – 1st
Best Drill NCO – 1st
Banner Drill – 1st
Aero-Modelling Diorama – 2nd
Mystery Model Build – 4th
Shooting – 4th
Aircraft Recognition Open – 1st
Aircraft Recognition U16 – 1st
Aircraft Recognition individual U16 and Open – 1st
Ensemble – 5th
Fanfare – 1st
Percussion – 2nd
Solo Bugle – 1st
Solo Drum – 1st
Best Drum Major – 2nd
Full Band – 1st
Combined Music – 2nd
Media Adult – 1st
Media Cadet – 2nd
Media Coverage Annual – 2nd
Media Staff Photo – 4th
Media Cadet Photo – 1st
Overall Field Day – 1st