On the weekend of the 21st – 22nd May 2016 cadets from 1109 (Thetford) Squadron assisted with the running of the Large Model Association (LMA) Shown held at Tibenham Airfield, near Diss.
The cadets helped with car parking, tour guides for the general public, assistance with aircraft handling as well as flight line support. The weekend also saw full size displays from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, P-51 Mustang and a Pitts Special Aerobatic biplane.
Part of the weekend also saw the handover of the ATC 75 Time Capsule, a project organised by Norfolk and Suffolk Wing. 1986 (Wymondham) Squadron handed the capsule over to 1109 Squadron, who will pass it onto 301 (Bury St Edmunds) Squadron with a piece of squadron memorabilia within.
The event organisers praised the cadets for their deportment and professionalism over the weekend and with a very high turnout of spectators on Sunday, the cadets coped very well. The squadron looks forward to assisting with another successful LMA Show in 2017.