Learning in the Field

Air Cadets from 17th (Coningsby) Squadron , took part in a Fieldcraft Basic Skills (FBS) Camp at Vigo Wood Training Area, RAF Wittering recently.

The aim of this camp was to conduct training in FBS for the Air Cadets and staff from both 17 (Coningsby) Squadron and 47F (Grantham) Squadron of the Air Training Corps . The Fieldcraft Camp allowed the cadets to consolidate the skills that had been learnt in the classroom and to allow Instructor Cadet Senior Non Commissioned Officers to teach the Fieldcraft Basic Skills to the other cadets under the guidance of the Fieldcraft instructors.17 Squadrons Greens camp 2016 (2)

Flight Sargent Paul Fido said, “Fieldcraft and eating from ration packs in the field is one of the core Military skills. For those cadets who seek a career in any of the forces the knowledge learned this weekend they will take with them. For those who don’t it will at least give them an insight into the Military’s ability to operate from anywhere in any conditions. Most of all it was fun and all of those who attended from both squadrons came away having had a thoroughly enjoyable experience”

Subjects covered over the course of the weekend included: Movement by Day & Elementary Night Movement, Field Signals, Patrol Harbour Drills, Two Man Shelters (Basha Shelter), Personal Camouflage and Concealment, Judging Distances and Observations (why things are seen)
Eating in the Field and 24 Hour Ration Packs.