Recognition and Reward for Air Cadets

An important part of any Royal Air Force Air Cadet Squadron is to recognise the skills and achievements of its staff and Cadets, which is exactly what happened at 1401 Alfreton and Ripley Squadron’s recent Dining In night.

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The evening, which was attended by staff, cadets and members of the Squadrons Civilian Committee got underway in traditional style, sitting down for dinner with the Squadrons Silverware on display. 2015 saw many challenges and changes for the Squadron, not least for Pilot Officer Katie Tidmarsh, who took command of the unit after taking her Commission earlier in the year.

Addressing the assembled guests and cadet, Pilot Officer Tidmarsh reflected on the previous 12 months, highlighting the various success and achievements of individuals and the squadron as a whole, before looking forward to the future. Some of the highlights covered included taking joint first place in the overall trophy during Wing Field Day and Second place in the Annual overall Wing Sports Competition. Both are great achievements, for a small but dedicated unit, particularly when competing against the 31 other units of the Wing. 2015 will present its own challenges, but the squadron will rise to them in true tradition, including the OC’s own challenge of the Squadron Commanders Course at RAFC Cranwell.

After the speeches, it was time for the presentations, which for the cadets may have been more eagerly awaited than the food. Individual Trophies and awards were presented to:
Best Attendance to Cdt V Willmer
 Best Sports cadet for Sgt M Osborne, who also won Best NCO.
The Civilian Committee Award which recognises charitable work went to Cpl S Crofts.
Most Promising Junior Cadet went to Cdt K Rawson
Best Cadet was awarded to Cdt T Archer
Squadron Commanders Award went to Cdt J Smith.

Pilot Officer Tidmarsh said, ‘I am immensely proud of the Cadets and Staff, it’s a great squadron and it keeps getting better. 2016 will be full of great experiences and challenges which we look forward to tackling’.