29F Squadron goes Diving

On Wednesday 5th August 10 cadets from 29F (Rugby) Squadron Air Training Corps, went Scuba Diving at the Stoney Cove Diving School.

After the success of the last visit it was a great opportunity for some cadets to take the plunge and get their first taste of this sport, whilst for some it was their second visit and an opportunity to see if they really enjoyed it enough to start more training.

29F diving
CI Findlay, who organised the visit, said “It’s a bit of a misconception that all Air Cadets do is fly. The Squadron offers a range of activities and this is our most recent addition to the training syllabus. The cadets spent an evening diving and completing underwater exercises. They all have a good time and it is something that the squadron is looking to offer regularly”
All the cadets said they were looking forward to the next visit!