On Sunday the 22nd of March one of 2195 (Long Eaton) Squadron’s sports mad Air Cadets’ attended the Central and East Region Junior Girls Hockey trials at RAF Cranwell.
This Cadet was yet again Cadet Mackenzie Fearon, who has attended all sporting activities available to her so far this year. There were 35 people that attended the hockey trials, where they were challenged and tested for selection in the team.
In the first half of the day the girls focused on getting to know each other and skills training. Then in the second half of the day they focused on playing a variety of different matches, this was to find who would be suited to which position in the team, before the final decision was made of who was in the team, who was a reserve and who did not make it in the team this time.
Cadet Fearon managed to obtain a place on the Central & East Region team and will compete on the 11th of April. Saying “I’m very happy I have been selected for the team as it is only my first year in the Air Cadets, and I look forward to competing in the competition in April and hope we can have good fun and win.”
Written by Cadet Fearon