Central & East Cross Country Triumph

IMG_7884The Central & East Region Cross Country Team saw off challenges from the other five Regions to secure the title of Corps Cross Country Champions 2015.

Held on the physically demanding RAF Cranwell Cross Country Course, the Inter Region Competition was keenly fought in blustery and cold conditions. Central and East managed to scoop the majority of the silverware through the strength and determination of the team drawn from across the Region.

Presentation of the trophies by Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty, the Commandant Air Cadets, was almost an embarrassment as the grey of the teams track suits was consistently seen going forward to collect cups and medals.

Squadron Leader Kevin Bunn, the Region Sports Officer, congratulated the team; “a fantastic team effort” and thanked the cadets, the staff who assisted and the parents who took time out to ensure cadets were their to compete.