Central & East Region is delighted to announce that, following selection and interview, Squadron Leader (now Wing Commander) Carl Wilson has been appointed as Officer Commanding South & East Midlands Wing from 7th July 2021
Wing Commander Wilson joined the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) as a cadet in 1989, rising to the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer with 1359 (Beeston) Squadron. He stayed on and took his commission at 1359, becoming the Squadron’s Officer Commanding in 2000.
His next command was at 504 (West Nottingham) Squadron, whilst also leading Road Marching teams at Nijmegen and being Camp Commandant at various Summer and Adventure Training Camps.
In 2008 he was promoted to Squadron Leader and took over responsibility for Adventure Training and the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme as a Wing Staff Officer. During his RAFAC career he has received many awards, but most notably he received a Personal Commendation from the Air Officer Commanding 22 Group in the 2016 Queens Birthday Honours.
Commenting on his appointment, Wing Commander Wilson said “I am privileged and honoured to have been given the opportunity to take this post as Officer Commanding South & East Midlands Wing. I am very much looking forward to working with the Wing team in my new role, and visiting the Squadrons at my earliest opportunity.”
Former OC South & East Midlands Wing, now RAFAC Senior Volunteer Advisor, Group Captain Andy Pass said “I’ve worked closely with Carl for over 25 years and his enthusiasm for the Corps, coupled with his professional approach will ensure the Wing is in safe hands. I congratulate Carl on his promotion – richly deserved for someone that has given so much to the Wing & wider organisation. I look forward to seeing South & East Midlands Wing evolve under Carl’s leadership and I’m confident his appointment will be well received by all those within the Wing”