For Cadet Warrant Officer(CWO) Jayne Morley of 2160 (Sleaford) Squadron, RAF Air Cadets, it was a singular honour to be part of a service at Lincoln Cathedral honouring the members of Bomber Command who made the ultimate sacrifice in World War II.
CWO Morley played a central part in the event as she carried one of the three new books of memorial to be placed in the cathedrals RAF Memorial chapel.
These books of memorial were updated versions of those presented to the cathedral in 1949 and reflected more complete and accurate information obtained over subsequent years.
CWO Morley said: – “I was asked by the Cathedral to be part of this service only shortly before it was due to take place. I felt very honoured to be asked and accepted at once. The books have a personal connection for myself and my family as my Great Uncle, Sergeant Dennis Monk’s name is contained in the volume I carried. I felt by taking part in the ceremony I was honouring his memory”.