Close Competition at Wittering

The winning South & East Midlands Wing Team

It was a close call for the Wings of Central & East Region as they battled for honours during the Region Field Day Competition at RAF Wittering.

Due to the forecast of poor weather, elements of the competition were held inside the facilities available which necessitated some amendment to programmes, however, all went ahead and keenly fought competition ensued.

First Aid, Shooting, Aircraft Recognition, all band disciplines including the Ensemble and, of course, the Drill and Banner Competitions made for a full and busy day.

When all the points from all the competitions were collated, it was found that so close was the competition that two teams had tied for First Place.   The eventual winners were declared on the count back of the number of First Places achieved and this meant that the team representing the South and East Midlands Wing were crowned the Region Champions.

Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing were the worthy runners up and went home in the knowledge that they were “equally” as good.

Group Captain Nigel Gorman, The Region’s Commandant, presented the trophies and was fulsome in his praise of all the cadets that competed and thanked, wholeheartedly the volunteer staff without whom the event could never have been staged.