Air Cadets sample RAF Life

Air Cadets from across Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire have spent a week of their Summer Holiday sampling life at an RAF Station.

Discovering 1940s technology at the Digby Bunker

Twenty one cadets, members of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC), were hosted by RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire where they enjoyed a close up view of an operational Royal Air Force base.

The cadets were given guided tours of the Station’s Operational Squadrons and the supporting sections such as the Air Traffice Control, Operations, Fire and Safety Equipment Sections.

They also had the opportunity to explore the historic City of Lincoln with it’s castle and imposing Cathedral.

The cadets also sampled Lincolnshire’s wartime history with a visit the RAF Digby’s World War Two bunker.

There was also the chance to fly in the Grob Tutors courtesy of RAF Cranwell’s Air Experience Flight.

Ready for Take Off

Although accommodated in tents, the cadets were well fed and declared the experience fantastic, Cadet Jacob Holding of Oakington Squadron was having his first taste of an Air Cadet Summer Camp and summed it up in one word “Brilliant” whilst another first timer, also from Oakington, Cadet Lucy Hayden said; “I loved it, it was great fun and I have made so many new friends”