Guest Conductor Inspires the Band

The Central & East Region Concert Band were inspired by their guest conductor, Michael Pegram FVCM ARCM psm, at their recent rehearsal weekend at RAF Henlow.

Taking the concert band through their repertoire, Michael provided the young cadets with the benefit of his years of experience and knowledge in the musical field with the cadets rising to the occasion and gaining confidence in their playing.

Michael began his professional music career with the Band of the Welsh Guards becoming the Band’s principal trombonist and featured soloist. Michael qualified as an Army Bandmaster having completed the course at the Military School of Music, Kneller Hall, emerging with top honours and the coveted Worshipful Company of Musicians’ Medal.

In 1990 he joined the RAF Halton Band and as Musical Director, set about widening the scope of the band by adding reed and percussion. Michael has also worked as an arranger and conductor on both radio and television.

Also assisting with the rehearsal was Anne Pettie, a percussionist who provided support, instruction and advice to the bands percussion section.

After practising hard the band gave a performance on the Sunday afternoon to over forty parents and friends. For some, this would have been their first time playing with the band in front of an audience.

The drummers of the Marching Band also spent the weekend working hard perfecting their music. Additionally, three of the Region’s Drum Majors were filmed carrying out their drill movements for an instructional video that it is hoped will be used to standardise Drum Major drill throughout the Region.

As always, the band is looking for new talent. If you are of Grade 3 and above and are interested in joining please contact