SE Mids Wing Team and their haul
South & East Midlands Wing had an outstanding day at the Central & East Region Annual Field Day Competition held at RAF Wittering by kind permission of the Station Commander, Group Captain Tony Keeling OBE MDA BEng CEng FRAES RAF.
Out of the twenty one categories that were keenly competed for, South & East Midlands (S&E Mids) Wing were victorious in twelve of them. With the accumulated score from all their other places, (only once scoring below a top two placing), the Wing scooped the Trophy for the Overall Field Day Championship.
Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire (Herts & Bucks) Wing were the Region’s runners up.
The most keenly fought over competition, the Drill, was a close run contest with S&E Mids just pipping old rivals, Trent Wing, at the post. 1360 (Stapleford & Sandiacre) Squadron’s Cadet Warrant Of

The serious business of judging the drill
Zach Davies being judged the best Drill Non Commissioned Officer (NCO). However, Herts & Bucks deservedly secured the laurels with an inspiring display in the Banner Drill.
Three out of the four classes in the First Aid Competition went the way of S&E Mids with Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing sneaking in to steal the Ottowa Cup for the First Aid Young Adult category.
Norfolk and Suffolk Wing proved to be the Region’s best shots taking both the team and individual Shooting Trophies. Cadet Flight Sergeant Ryan Roberts of 356 (Felixstowe) Squadron being the individual most on target.
Although S&E Mids took the overall Music accolade, Trent, Warwickshire & Birmingham and Beds & Cambs Wings shared the trophies with the prestigious Full Band cup going to Beds & Cambs.

Cdt Gibbs receives his trophy from the Commandant
The Aircraft Recognition competition went over to S&E Mids with the exception of the Under 16 Individual Cup that was won by Cadet Gibbs of 332 (High Wycombe) Squadron of Herts & Bucks Wing.
The Region were fortunate to have the honour of the presence of Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty CBE, the RAF Air Cadets Commandant who not only presented the numerous trophies and certificates, but also provided entertainment in the form of a quiz during the wait for the final results.
Group Captain Nigel Gorman, the Region’s Commandant, presented the Fazackerley Tray to the overall Region Field Day victors, South & East Midalnds Wing.