Each year the RAF Air Cadets (RAFAC) holds an annual convention for the senior full time and volunteer officers from the across the Country. As a finale to the event a formal dinner is convened at which quests from the parent service, both serving and retired and other key supporters of the RAFAC are invited.
It was into this high powered occasion that twelve cadets from 2160 were pitched. The cadets had three key duties perform; firstly to provide a guard of honour for the principal guest, Air Marshal Sean Reynolds CBE DFC RAF the Air Member for Personnel, secondly to mix with the delegates including the Commandant Air Cadets herself and discuss their Air Cadet experiences and future aspirations, and finally the greatest honour, to parade the Air Training Corps national banner into the dinner.
With little time for preparation the cadets acquitted themselves splendidly and drew many favourable comments for their erudition and overall smartness. Job done, there was just time for the briefest of snacks before boarding the minibuses for home. It is a measure of the commitment of these young people that many of them had taken a brief break from their all-important examination revision to take part in the event, and for some of them it was back the grindstone when they got home.
Senior Aircraftman Alex Fraser, a Royal Air Force Assistant at the squadron and the principal organiser of the cadets participation said:- “The cadets were absolutely superb, dress and deportment was A*. What was even more impressive was their ability to talk to senior officers and not be overawed by the occasion. The banner party performed their duty flawlessly, all the more impressive as their path to the dais was quite restricted. I heard so many favourable comments about the cadets during the course of the event and am proud to be associated with such a great bunch of young people”.