Ely Air Cadet to Set Sail on the High Seas


ely boatCadet Sergeant Emily Pieters of 1094 (City of Ely) Squadron is all set to sail away on her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme residential project.

Emily has won a place on the West Coast Challenge Offshore Sailing Expedition this August sailing around The Scottish Isles.

Emily will be sailing on-board the Ocean Youth Trust Scotland (OYTS) yacht, Alba Venturer, an ocean-going 72 foot long yacht equipped to operate as a sail training vessel.

The crew includes a fully qualified, skipper, first mate, second mate, third mate and bosun. They will direct and oversee all the work on board gradually developing the cadets skills and understanding so that as the voyage progresses they will take greater responsibility for the day-to-day functioning of the vessel.

Cadet Sergeant Pieters carrying her squadron's Banner

Cadet Sergeant Pieters carrying her squadron’s Banner

By the end of the voyage the cadets should feel confident in tasks such as helming, navigating and setting the sails. It should be possible for all those cadets on board to achieve their Royal Yachting Association Competent Crew certificate.

Emily took part in a national selection with Air Cadets from all over the UK applying. She will be attending with a dozen cadets from Squadrons up and down the country.