As the Squadron was dismissed at the end of the recent Remembrance parade it marked a fitting end for the Squadron Standard Bearer, Cadet Warrant Officer Kathryn Towell, who, after six and a half years with 1109 Thetford Squadron and the Royal Air Force Air Cadets, finishes her duties as a cadet.
The opportunities that are available to Cadets are vast and Kathryn has made the most of these. She has been a highly active member of not just at 1109 Squadron but within the Wing and Corps as well. From attending countless camps around the country, to representing the Squadron, Wing and Corps at various events. This included parades such as the Wing Parade at Norwich Cathedral to help mark the 75th Anniversary of the ATC, where she was the Squadron Standard Bearer. Kathryn has also taken part in flying, shooting and sports to name but a few and she has definitely made the most of the opportunities that the Royal Air Force Air Cadets has to offer. She has led the Squadron team at the Wing Field competition where 1109 were placed in the top three.
Through the RAFAC Kathryn was awarded a flying scholarship where she spent two weeks in Scotland learning to fly a Grob Tutor in Feb 2015. In the September of the same year and after a rigorous selection process she was short listed and then selected for the Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course. QAIC focuses on radio communication, leadership elements as well as developing instructional technique and giving students a sound knowledge of aeronautical and air power subjects. This, together with visits to Rolls-Royce, RAF Lemming and RAF Coningsby gave Kathryn a massive insight into the significance of the RAFs air power. She went on to use these skill as an instructor at the National Aerospace Camp with over 250 cadets from around the country and at the Royal International Air Tattoo and RAF Cosford Airshows where she was as an ambassador for the RAFAC running flight simulators for the public.
She has taken part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and this led to her to completing the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, and has also been involved with additional training allowing her to complete a first aid qualification, BTECs in Aviation Studies, Public Service and also ILM qualifications in Leadership and Team Leading. Kathryn was involved with the Cadet Drill Instructors course giving her the required skill to help train the other cadets on the Squadron.
As for the future, over the next four years Kathryn is studying with Marshall Aerospace in Cambridge for a degree in Aeronautical Engineering and Design. Kathryn still intends to be involved within the RAFAC as she is currently going through the process to become an Officer.