A Weekend of Remembrance Thetford Air Cadets

1109 IMG_37481109 (Thetford) Squadron were out in numbers over the weekend as they marked the Remembrance commemorations at a number of ceremonies.
Friday 10th November saw a Service of Remembrance at the Carnegie Rooms in Thetford. This was organised by the Royal British Legion who 1109 Squadron continue to work closely with. It was a packed service with cadets representing the Squadron and paraded our Standard.
On Sunday 12th November 42 cadets and staff were on parade in Thetford Town Centre alongside the RAF Regiment, Veterans, Royal British Legion, Local Dignitaries, Army Cadet Force, other uniformed youth organisations and representatives from the United States Air Force to remember all those who had fallen in the World Wars and those you continue to fight for our freedom today. The Squadron Standard was paraded as well as Cadet Sergeant Ben Stevenson escorting the Royal British Legion’s Standard at the front of the parade. There was a service in the Market Square and wreaths were laid at the Cenotaph to honour those who never came home. The Squadron’s wreath was laid by Cadet Duarte Brito, who joined 1109 in July of this year.
The support from the cadet’s families and friends was incredible and it was clear the town had come together as one for a very important occasion. The streets were packed to show support for everyone parading and once again the turn
The Squadron’s Officer Commanding, Flight Lieutenant Samuel Chapman-Allen, had this to say, ‘Once again 1109 Squadron, including families and friends came together to remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedom. The parade and service was a poignant occasion and the support from the town was excellent’.