Ten young people in King’s Lynn, having completed their basic training, were recently formally enrolled into the Air Training Corps.
On the evening of Thursday 9th November, proud parents attended the Loke Road Headquarters of 42F (King’s Lynn) Squadron to witness the Squadron’s Padre conduct the short ceremony. Proudly wearing their blue uniforms for the first time, the new members, recited the ‘Cadet Promise’ before being individually welcomed into the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.
Father Andrew Davey, the Squadron Padre, told the new cadets that they were not in fact the newest members of the Squadron as they had been with 42F for a few months completing their initial training. He however had only been the Squadron Padre some four weeks, and with this being his first enrolments he hoped he had done it well.
Just three days later, in immaculately turned out uniforms, these new members were able to participate in the King’s Lynn remembrance parade and wreath laying in the town’s Memorial Gardens, followed by the church service in the Minster Church.