1359 Attend Lord Lieutenant’s Garden Party

The sweltering weekend of the 17th and 18th June saw 1359(Beeston) Squadron’s Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO) Jade Cox on duty at Caunton Manor in Nottinghamshire in her role as the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet. 1359 Lord Lt garden party
CWO Cox was appointed to the prestigious position of Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet in September 2016 and is charged with representing the Royal Air Force Air Cadets in the County of Nottinghamshire as the Lord Lieutenant’s personal cadet. This involves accompanying the Lord Lieutenant, Sir John Peace at events he attends on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen.
With a history that can be traced back to the 1500s, the Lord Lieutenant is the personal representative of Her Majesty in each county of the United Kingdom. Responsible for maintaining the link between people and Monarch, other responsibilities placed upon the Lord Lieutenant include managing arrangements for royal visits and presenting medals and awards on behalf of The Queen.
Saturday was a celebration and thanks for those from the voluntary sector and everything they do in their spare time for others. Accompanying CWO Cox was Officer Commanding 1359 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Phil Bannister RAF Volunteer Reserve (Training) who spends much time travelling between the UK and Germany in his civilian occupation on top of his voluntary role with the Cadet Forces.
The following day continued with a Garden Party for the birthday of Her Majesty, with many members of the public invited to Sir John’s residence to join the celebration.
Flight Lieutenant Bannister said “It was a lovely day with perfect weather for the occasion! 1359 would like to pass on their thanks to voluntary sector workers, and everything they do!”