Wellingborough Air Cadet Hits the Right Note for Gold

A budding choral star from 378 (Mannock) Squadron has recently returned from the Royal Air Force Air Cadets National Choir Camp with the gold award for music. Wellingborough Cadet hits the right note for gold - Cadet Alexis Spillan...
Cadet Alexis Spillane (14) was selected to join the organisation’s national choir following a series of auditions which saw her competing against fellow Air Cadets from around the country. Members of the choir, which is over thirty strong and looking forward to some high profile performances in the coming year, were the first cadets to be awarded the new gold music badge.
The award of the gold badge is a first for the organisation since the introduction of a new progressive system of training, from flying to shooting and music of all kinds. The badge is also a first for Mannock Squadron who have not had a badged musician in their ranks for as long as anyone at the unit can remember.
Alexis said: “I was excited when I heard that I’d been selected for the national choir and even better was the opportunity to attend choir camp at Royal Air Force Cranwell. It was a brilliant week of visits, around the station and locally, including Lincoln Cathedral, and of course a lot of singing!
“Now I’m really looking forward to our next performance where we will get to show an audience what we can do.”
The choir is preparing for a high profile performance in Boston in August, singing alongside the RAF Coningsby Military Wives Choir. The cadets will be hoping to pull in a crowd as well as a few VIPs.
The Squadron’s Officer in Charge, Flying Officer Phil Warr, said: “It’s fantastic news that Alexis has been selected to represent the organisation in this prestigious national team. We are all incredibly proud of Alexis for auditioning and gaining a place and her award.”