On the 13th April, our very own CWO Zach Davies graduated from the Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course, becoming one of only two QAI’s within South and East Midlands Wing.
The course started back in September 2016 after passing several assessments on the selection weekend, competing for a space on the course and has spent 1 weekend a month since learning everything aerospace related. This course is designed for cadets to become instructors at the organisations, Regional Activity Centres.
CWO Davies has spent several hours on the Synthetic Trainers for basic flight. Not only flying aircraft but being able to manage the trainer for fellow cadets. Another module was the Air Traffic Control Trainer, being able to manage aircraft with the correct terminology and following the rules and regulations of the air. Other modules include, Aerodynamics, Pilot Studies, Radio Telephony, Air Power and Instructional Techniques.
Approaching the end of the graduation week, CWO Davies and his team were selected to present in front of AOC 22 Group, Air Vice Marshall Andrew Turner OBE. This presentation formed part of the overall assessment and had to last 40 minutes on a selected Air Power topic; This was the Brimstone Missile. Later that evening AOC 22 Group presented CWO Davies and his group with the best presentation at the graduation dinner.
The Squadron look forward to CWO Davies using his extensive knowledge in aerospace to teach and train the cadets not only at the Squadron but also at the Regional Activity Centres.
CWO Zach Davies