Many Proud Parents at 42F’s Awards Evening



The civilian committee of 42F (King’s Lynn) Squadron, Royal Air Force Air Cadets, was on hand to greet arriving parents and VIP guests with a welcome drink as they arrived for the Squadron’s annual presentation evening at the Town Hall on Monday 28th November.


In the grand surroundings of the buildings Georgian Assembly Room the proud parents and impressed guests were first given a report by the Squadron’s Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant(Flt Lt) Pauline Petch, RAF VR, on the extensive and varied activities undertaken by the cadets over the past 12 months.


Three cadet Corporals, Corporals Kiselieus, Dew and Bocking then confidently spoke to the audience of both their personal and the Squadron’s achievements over the year.


Then followed the enrolment to the Corps of the Squadron’s latest intake of 14 new recruits. With the Squadron currently without its own dedicated Chaplain the short ceremony was conducted by Father Paul Norwood, assistant priest at the town’s All Saints Church, and parent of a squadron cadet.


This was followed by the presentation of individual awards

Best Cadet (Cdt). Cdt Dylan Cooper. Presented by Mr. Michael Forster MBE of King’s Lynn Branch RAFA.

Best NCO. Cdt Cpl Gab Kiselieus. Presented by the Mayor of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Councillor David Whitby.

Best New Recruit. Cdt Rebecca Williamson. Presented by Wing Staff Officer Flt Lt Peter Howlett RAF VR.

Harry King Formal Training Award. Cdt Darcy Hillard. Presented by Sir Michael Oswald KCVO, Hon President of 42F Squadron.

Geoff Bullen Award for Flying. Cdt Cpl Saffron Kirkpatrick. Presented by Mrs Margaret Bullen MBE.

George Cole Community Award.  Cdt Sgt Victoria Norwood. Presented by Mr. Michael Lister Chairman 42F Civilian Committee.

Sports Award. Cdt Rebecca Williamson. Presented by Flg Off Chris Barrett 42F Squadron Staff RAF VR.

Marksmanship Award. Cdt Cpl Harry Williamson. Presented by Wg Comm David Miller MBE RAF VR Officer Commanding Norfolk & Suffolk Wing ATC.

Sgt Harden Award for Endeavour. Cdt Cpl Harry Williamson. Presented by Flt Lt Pauline Petch RAF VR, Officer Commanding 42F Sqn.

Richard Spooner Award. Cdt Alex Grimes. Presented by Wing Staff Officer Flt Lt Peter Howlett RAF VR.


There then followed a surprise presentation when Wing Commander David Miller, the Officer Commanding the Norfolk & Suffolk Wing stood to address the assembly. He spoke first in praise of the dedication and commitment of both the staff and cadets. He then read out the citation that accompanied the awarding of the Cadet Forces Medal for twelve years meritorious service to Flight Lieutenant Pauline Petch before pinning it to her uniform as loud applause from the cadets and parents filled the room.


Presentations over, the 120 persons present, all then retired back into the  buildings 15th century Stone Hall for a buffet and fund raising raffle.


Commentating on her medal presentation Flt Lt Petch said “Normally these 12 years continuous service awards are presented at gatherings of one’s peers such as Wing conferences or Dining-In Nights. To have mine presented at our own Presentation Evening in front of our own cadets and their parents has made it so very much more special for me.”