King’s Lynn Remembers the Fallen

The Cadets of 42F (King’s Lynn) Squadron Air Training Corps were again proud to take part in the towns annual Act of Remembrance.
A bright but cold Sunday morning saw the towns cadets from all three services join personnel from RAF Marham, Police cadets and other youth organisations muster at the Town Hall. From there they marched behind the Union Standard, British Legion Standards and the standards of the assembled organisations to the towns Greyfriars Memorial Gardens for the Act of Remembrance and wreath laying ceremony where several hundred members of the public had already gathered.

At the War Memorial the Mayor Councillor David Whitby, flanked by Wing Commander Stu Geary from RAF Marham and the Mayors ATC Cadet Corporal Edward Dew of 42F Squadron, read the Exhortation “They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them or the years condemn. Cadet Corporal Dew made the response “At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them”.Following The Last Post, two minutes silence and Reveille Wing Commander Geary read from the Kohima Epitaph “When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow we gave our today”.

There then followed the laying of over 50 wreaths by representatives of the uniformed and civil organisations present and a short service led by the Bishop of Lynn the Rt Revd Jonathon Meyrick. Then, preceded by the civic party and numerous dignitaries, the parade reformed to march to Lynn Minster for a Civic Service of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

Following the church service Cadet Corporal Dew said “It am very proud to have been given such an important part in the Act of Remembrance in front of so many people”.

In addition to parading in King’s Lynn, 42F (King’s Lynn) Air Cadets also had a uniform presence at the Hunstanton town Remembrance Day commemorations.