Saturday 15th October to Sunday 16th October 2016 saw fourteen cadets from 1109 (Thetford) Squadron enjoy a ‘taster’ weekend to Expedition and Adventure Training. The cadets, all of which have joined in the last twelve months, arrived at the Squadron Headquarters with a bergen equipped with what they would need for a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Expedition.
Whilst familiarising themselves with the basic equipment required they took to lessons including ‘how to pack a bergen’, outdoor cooking, camp craft, tents and basic navigation. Their skills were then put to practice in a basic orienteering exercise which tested their bearings, map orientation and map recognition.
Sunday was focused on Adventure Training and the cadets took part in High Ropes, tree top climbing and kayaking during an activity day run by Thorpe Woodlands Activity Centre. For some their fear of heights was conquered and for others they realised it is rather cold if you fall in when kayaking in October!
Cadet Jordan Valentine who joined the Squadron in July 2016 said, ‘We learned how to pack a bergen and take bearings, skills which I will find very useful in the future. I also really enjoyed the kayaking and high ropes at Thorpe Woodands, I always enjoy weekends away and loved the Initial Expedition Training weekend!’