Corby Air Cadets Pay Tribute to The Few

Over the weekend of the 17th – 18th September 2016 cadets and staff from 422 (Corby) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets assisted the Corby Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association in raising funds for Wing Appeal and also paid tribute to “The Few” in a Battle of Britain Parade held in Corby Old Village.
With an early start on Saturday, the team of cadets and staff joined the Corby RAFA Branch in Corby and Oundle to raise funds for the Royal Air Forces Association Wings Appeal. Throughout the day members of the public came to talk to the staff and cadets about their time in the Royal Air Force; one even served in Strike Command (now Air Command), which was the group that controlled the UK’s bomber and fighter aircraft from 1968 to 2007.422-parade
Sunday saw the Squadron form up in Corby Old Village to parade in honour of “The Few”, marching through the village to St. John The Baptist Church. A service was held by the Squadron’s very own Padre, The Reverend Paul Frost.
After a very thought provoking service, the cadets, staff, Civilian Committee and parents joined the local RAFA Branch for a “Brew for The Few” in the church hall.
Throughout the weekend the cadets raised an amazing £730.14 for the Royal Air Forces Association.