Jimmy Puts First Aid Skills to Good Use

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An Air Cadet from 29F (Rugby) Air Training Corps was able to put his First Aid Training to good use recently when he assisted an elderly gentleman who had slipped and injured his head. Cadet Jimmy Boughey, aged 16, was first on the scene after witnessing the gentleman fall whilst walking down Dunsmore Avenue in the Hillmorton district of Rugby.
All cadets receive basic Heartstart training when they join their units and most, including Cadet Boughey, progress onto completing the St. John Ambulance Junior First Aid award. First Aid simulations are run frequently as part of activities and many cadets go further by entering competitions across the region to represent their Squadron.
Cadet Boughey said “I ran over to the gentleman and It was obvious that he had suffered an injury that would require professional attention. I applied direct pressure to a 5cm cut to the back of his head that was bleeding heavily whilst reassuring the him. An ambulance was called by a bystander which arrived after about 25 minutes.
I spoke at length to the injured gentleman and hi neighbour and tried to put their minds at ease while we waited for the ambulance to arrive. They asked where I had learnt first aid and I told them about my training at the Squadron
It is fantastic to be able to put my First Aid training to use. At no point did I feel unsure about what needed to be done. I am glad that the gentleman has made a full recovery”
Commenting on the incident, Squadron Commanding Officer, Flight Lieutenant Gillian Short said “I am extremely proud of the way Cadet Boughey handled the situation. We always put a lot of focus on First Aid training at 29F Squadron and it has paid off here. I was able to speak to the Gentleman concerned later
that day and he was very complimentary of Cadet Boughey’s skills and the way he dealt with things”