Nine cadets of 42F (King’s Lynn) Squadron ATC have recently been awarded their First Class classification following a weekend of intensive training on the Squadron’s first ever First Class Training Course.

42f July Presentations (1) (1)The two day course, designed by the Squadron’s Cadet Warrant Officer Alex Stapleton, was aimed at progressing newly enrolled cadets to First Class status in a short amount of time. “With their First Class classifications” Alex said, “the cadets can now enjoy a wider range of the activities that the Corps has to offer, such as flying and gliding!”

The cadets willingly gave up their weekend to complete their First Class log books, and also gain a taste of other activities that the ATC offers, like field-craft and initiative exercises.

The course was also staffed by a mixture of adult volunteers and Cadet NCOs, who also gave up time in their weekend to teach the syllabus, and helped the days to run smoothly. Their tasks included delivering the varied lessons and providing a point of call for any cadets who needed a little extra assistance.
Corporal Oliver Richardson said “I enjoyed helping the new cadets with their training. It was great fun, and we managed to succeed in the end! It was also a nice experience to be part of the staff team for the duration of the course.”

Congratulations to all of those who took part over the two days!