Throughout the United Kingdom, Royal Air Force Air Cadets have given their support to Armed Forces Day including the National Armed Forces Day Celebrations at Cleethorpes.
Between 100 and 150 Air Cadets each day, supported by over 20 Staff from Scunthorpe,Grimsby, Brigg and Immingham Squadrons entertained the visitors, numbering 100,000 over the weekend with Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), a flight simulator, various exercises and Band performances by musicians from Brigg and Scunthorpe Squadrons.
The Air Cadets proudly took their place on the Parade along Cleethorpes promenade with Prime Minister David Cameron looking on as His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent took the salute alongside other dignitaries. Wing Commander Tony Wright, Officer Commanding Trent Wing, at short notice, headed all the Cadet Forces in the Parade.
Flight Lieutenant Terence Shird Officer Commanding 195 (Grimsby) Squadron said “it was a huge honour and a privilege to be able to parade our cadets through the town. This parade was made all the more special being the 75th Anniversary of the Air Training Corps.” He also said “I am incredibly proud of the Cadets,and very grateful to those that came out to show such fantastic support and their help in making the whole Armed Forces weekend such a success.”
BBC Look North and Forces Television both took an interest in the Air Cadet stand and filmed interviews with both cadets and staff.
Squadron Leader Gillian Wills, Project Officer for the weekend was extremely delighted with the success which made the months of hard work, and the valuable assistance of Flight Lieutenant Shird well worth while.