First Aerospace Instruction Experience at Cosford Air Show


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Cadet Flight Sergeant (CFS) Kathryn Towell attended Cosford Air Show on Sunday 19th June 2016 as part of her Qualified Aerospace Instructor (QAI) duties. She assisted with the Air Cadet Aerospace Experience stand which gave members of the public the chance to understand aviation through use of advanced flight simulators. As a QAI, Kathryn will be requested to attend a number of public events and assist with attracting potential cadets into the organisation.
Kathryn was very fortunate to be given the opportunity to attend a meeting with Commandant Air Cadets, Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty and Honorary Group Captain Carol Vorderman. Air Commodore McCafferty was pleased to see CFS Towell putting her qualification to great use and supporting the air show.
Flight Lieutenant Hiley QAIC Instructor said ‘this is a great way for the QAI cadets to make use of the skills they gained while on QAIC, getting them ready for some of the other events later this year like the Aerospace Camp at RAF Syerston and RIAT’.
Kathryn is very much looking forward to her next QAI duty at the Royal International Air Tattoo in July.