It was a day of excitement and discovery for two newly promoted Sleaford Cadet Flight Sergeants (Cdt FS).

sleaford IMG_7556LCpl Webster FS Matt BrandCdt FS Matt Brand and Cdt FS Alex Myers were selected to take their first flights in the Grob Vigilant glider and were to share the day with cadets from King Edward VI Grammar School from Louth.

With the coming together of an Air Training Corps Squadron and a Combined Cadet Force (RAF Element) unit to help with the rebirth of cadet gliding this was a real RAF Air Cadet Day.

With early frost and patchy, sometimes dense fog all fingers were well and truly crossed for improving weather. RAF Syerston, home of the Air Cadet Central Gliding School, is close to the River Trent and foggy conditions often persist after other areas have cleared.

The enforced delay ensured the cadets were well briefed and relaxed before the main event. As the visibility finally improved by lunch time the team from Air Cadets Central Gliding School (ACCGS) swung in to action and the cadets were kitted out and ready to roll in double quick time.sleaford glideIMG_7565Flt Lt Charlie and FS Brand

First to take to the air was Cadet Lance Corporal Joe Webster from Louth quickly followed by Cdt FS Matt Brand from Sleaford. Both pronounced themselves very pleased with their flight and very grateful to their respective pilots, Flight Lieutenant’s Dave Smith and Charlie Delaney.

Cdt FS Alex Myers said of his first flight in the Vigilant:- “It really was something special, the views were amazing and the aircraft an absolute delight to fly. I would really like to complete a gliding scholarship in this aircraft, it really is something special”
Both units agreed it had been a truly special day and would like to pass on their thanks to the Officer Commanding and the Staff of ACCGS for providing such a memorable occasion.