An Air Cadet from Grimsby has been praised for his efforts after finishing in 2nd place at a regional cross country event, held at RAF Cranwell last week.
Cadet Thomas Allen, aged 15, had previously scored 1st place in the Trent Wing Cross Country Championships without any previous training.
Mr Allen has since begun training to try to improve his times, and managed to achieve 2nd place, overcoming the notorious ‘Cardiac Hill’ within the grounds of RAF Cranwell.
The positioning was highly praised by his fellow cadets, after helping Trent Wing to achieve 1st place overall in the junior boys event.
Sergeant Stephen Parry, Sports Officer at 195 (Grimsby) Squadron, said: “We’re incredibly impressed with Cdt Allen’s performance both at Wing and Region cross country.
“He now advances to the Corps competition, where he will be representing this area at a national level, competing against cadets from across the UK.
“We wish him luck in his race.” Cadet Allen said: “I’ve now done a couple of cross country races, and I really enjoy it, so I’ve started to train more. “I’m looking forward to the Corps cross country – it’s shaping up to be a fantastic event.”