Corby Air Cadets Celebrate Landmark 75th Anniversary of the ATC

422 ATC 75 1 (1)
On Sunday 7th February 2016 over 50 cadets and staff from 422 (Corby) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets took part in a parade and Church service to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the formation of the Air Training Corps (ATC).
The parade formed up in Corby Old Village, watched by parents and members of the public and paraded through the streets to St John the Baptist Church where a service was held by the Squadron’s very own Padre, the Reverend Paul Frost.
After the Church service the cadets and staff were joined by parents and friends for tea and cake in the Church Hall which the Squadron Civilian Committee assisted in serving.
Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Kev Ritchie RAFVR(T) said, “I would like to thank everyone involved in today’s landmark parade, especially the cadets. They should be extremely proud of the part they played in marking the 75th year of the Air Cadet Organisation”.
If you’re aged between 12 (School Year 8) and 16 and are interested in becoming a Royal Air Force Air Cadet, 422 (Corby) Squadron are holding an Open Day on Saturday 2nd April 2016 from 10am to 2pm at their Squadron Headquarters on St. Mark’s Road.