Former Air Cadet Celebrates Promotion

A former Air Cadet from 195 (Grimsby) Squadron is this week celebrating a promotion, having returned to the Squadron as a staff member.

Stephen Parry, formerly a Cadet Warrant Officer of 195 Squadron, returned to the squadron shortly after reaching the age limit for remaining a cadet. He joined the adult staff team at the local cadet unit, volunteering to teach cadets, organise events and run sporting competitions.
Mr Parry initially held the position of Civilian Instructor, until it was confirmed just this week that, following several weekend pre-uniform courses and an interview board, he had successfully attained the rank of Adult Sergeant.
Flight Lieutenant Terance Shird, Commanding Officer of 195 Squadron, said: “Sergeant Parry has from a young age been an active member of the squadron, so our staff were pleased that he chose to return and join the staff team. This promotion is thoroughly deserved. Sergeant Parry has worked very hard on squadron in helping cadets to get the most out of their time in the organisation, and he worked tirelessly to ensure our cadets are offered some wonderful opportunities.As Commanding Officer, I look forward to working with him in his new rank.”
Sergeant Parry said: “I’ve enjoyed being a Civilian Instructor because it allowed me to transition between being a senior cadet and an adult instructor with varying roles.  Now I’ve gained the rank of sergeant, I’m going to work with the senior non-commissioned officer team on our squadron to continue to offer fantastic opportunities to our cadets and to keep our squadron in the top ranks of the Air Cadet Organisation.